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Qingdao Tonchel Industrial Equipment Co.,Ltd



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Industry News

The annual sales of handheld laser welding machines have exceeded 100000 units !

  • author:Laser Welding Machin
  • pubDate:2024-03-09 13:59
  • click:
The annual sales of handheld laser welding machines have exceeded 100000 units, and the future of the laser welding industry is promising!
Since entering the Chinese market, laser welding machines have quickly become popular. In 2019, the first swinging handheld laser welding machine was launched in China, once again sweeping the entire welding market with a dark horse momentum. In 2022, the domestic sales exceeded 50000 units, and this year it is expected to exceed the market sales of 100000 units.
Fiber laser, as the core component, determines the efficiency and performance of handheld laser welding. The characteristics of handheld laser welding, which are both civilian and tool oriented, continue to drive the trend of miniaturization and lightweighting of fiber lasers.
The popularity of domestically produced fiber lasers can be traced back to 2007, when BWT completed the development and practice of high-performance chip packaging technology, and was the first to introduce a 10W pump source, breaking the monopoly of foreign pump sources at that time and promoting the rapid rise of domestic laser manufacturers.
In 2010, domestic enterprises have successfully developed a hundred watt level pump source, achieving power advancement. In 2015, breakthroughs were made in domestic single-chip pump source technology, with pump source power exceeding 200W, assisting the application of domestic kilowatt level fiber lasers in fields such as laser cutting and welding.
In 2020, breakthroughs were made in multi chip coupling technology and polarization beam combining technology, resulting in a significant increase in pump source power. The 660W pump source was successfully launched into the market. During this period, BWT was at the forefront of the industry, innovatively applying polarization beam combining and dense arrangement theory to pump sources, significantly improving the power density and integration of fiber lasers, and better supporting the development of the entire laser towards high integration, miniaturization, and intelligence. In 2021, BWT once again achieved technological leadership and launched kilowatt level pump sources to the market. At this point, the lightning series based on CTC chip integration technology has begun to take shape, and the curtain of miniaturization of fiber lasers is about to open.
In April 2022, as a leader in the field of pump sources, BWT took the lead in achieving miniaturization and mass production of fiber lasers. With its unique CTC technology (Chip to Chassis, integrated chip technology), the BWT Lightning series fiber lasers (500W-6000W) have achieved a leading position in miniaturization, achieving disruptive breakthroughs in product volume and weight. In July 2023, BWT once again launched the third-generation Lightning series fiber laser, which further slimmed down in appearance and weight, setting a new record for laser miniaturization.
After two years of leapfrog development, domestic fiber lasers have overcome obstacles on the path of miniaturization and continuously set new records for miniaturization. This not only promotes the development of laser technology, but also provides users with more efficient, convenient, and reliable laser solutions.
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